Monday, July 11, 2011

Great tips for summer rabbits

A lot of people want the best tips for raising rabbits, well I have a few!

First: Sadly many rabbits died in the summer due to overheating. A great thing to do is to froze soda bottles. Then on a hot day put them in with your rabbits. My rabbits normally lay around or on top of them. This is great for cooling!

Another: In the summer many plants are in bloom. You can go out and pick the plants that grow wild. I like to take a small box with me and fill it up. I give each cage about half a box. And I do this twice a day. If you do this you may cut down on their food intake a little. This helps save money as well! And the rabbits love it!

Another: If you have a big strawberry patch like I do and you also have baby bunnies you can do this. I take the babies when they are about 3 weeks, and I let them run around in my patch. Mine normally only eat the tall grass that grows on the sides. Put yours in there and see if they eat your strawberries, if not they can play in there! But remember to put cold water in there with them! Plus a box so they can be in the shade if they get too hot. (Note: It is best to do this before your strawberries bloom)

Last: Let your big Rabbits have some time in the grass too. If you have a fenced area you can let them run around in there. But you MUST watch them the whole time, because they may start to dig there way out!

Well I hope these tips will help you have happy bunnies this summer! Thanks for reading!

~Beth M.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Welcome to the world Speckles!

This is my rabbit Anna Eliza (Right) and my little sister's Rabbit Bree (Left). They are Rex X New Zealand crosses. A while ago I bred Anna Eliza to Ron, my Dutch X New Zealand buck...Well the babies came!

And Anna Eliza pick the same time I was out feeding them to give birth! Yup, I saw these little ones come into the world! And I can't believe its been 3 weeks to the day!

She had 8 babies! (But one pasted on) Most are black with just a little dark gray on spots like their shoulders. Two are black with a lot of gray speckles and one will be brown by the time he is grown. Which is the one I'm holding in pic #2, you can't see the brown as well as in person, but its there.
He is a cutie! I named him Speckles! I just may keep him, because he is so funny looking! Well that is about all.
~Beth K.

Bunny crazy!

So I got our hutch ready and filled it with feeders, water bottles, and sticks for the bunnies to chew on. I looked on Craigslist and found free 6 week old bunnies! They were Dutch X New Zealand mix.

Note: if you are getting an animal for free you have to look at it closely. People often give anyway the sickly ones. Watch out for odd behavior or messy poops. Rabbits should poo little balls. Not runny or bloody. Look for bunnies that are friendly, (If they don't run up to you and jump into your hands, that is not a problem. Normally they are shy beings.) if they bite you or run at you and attack, Warning!

But these bunnies we got were a very good pick. I asked the girl "Why are you giving them away for free?" I wanted to see her answer. She told me that she didn't want to raise rabbits, but had two "Does" (Which are girls) as pets. They had bunnies and she was just trying to get rid of them. I took the last three, and later found out they were two buck (Bucks are boys) and a doe.

The doe we named Smoky, because of the smoked nose, ears, and feet she has. She is a white with black/gray girlie. She is a few months old now and just got bred on June 7th and is due in a month. She was bred with a lop bunny named Thumper, who is owned by a close farmer friend Mrs. J.j. Orr. Hopefully the babies will be spotted like their momma.

The other buck we have is one I let my little sister name. Jacob Black (From Twilight) is black with white going down his face, with a little brown speckled on his back. He is a really good buck, but we have only used him twice. We will see what the doe we bred him with today will give off.

And the last is Ron. He is a beautiful gray color with brown speckles on his back, much like Jacob Black. And with age his ears are turning to a sandy brown. He has fathered many of our bunnies. He is gentle and calm, never mean or aggressive. Once the babies get big enough to be without a nesting box (About 2-3 weeks old) they lop through the cage to their dad's cage. Ron licks them and even made a nest for them out of the hay I gave him! I have never seen him bite anyone. He even got attacked by another Rabbit but didn't fight back, I know he's weird. One of the litters we got from him had three babies that looked just like his sister, Smoky. He is all in all a good rabbit! Oh plus, he has the gray eyes I really love! Some of his babies have them too!

All in all we made a good choice by getting these great bunnies, who grew up to be great Rabbits for our hutch!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Must read!

Hey All!
Beth K. here with a page you have to read. You will rethink the days of Noah! Just go to and read all about it. The page is so very long but I encourage you to finish it! Tell me what you think, I know you will love it.
Your humble teen writer,
Beth K.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Eunice, a Godly mother.

She is not the most spoken about woman in the Bible and you probable don't remember hearing about her in Sunday school. None the less Eunice was used by God to help Timothy in his younger days.
The apostle Paul talks about her in his last letter to Timothy that he wrote in a dungeon in Rome, shortly before being executed for his faith.
He says "Recalling you tears, I long to see you, so that I may be filled with joy. I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also." 2 Timothy 4:6
The Bible says that sincere faith lived in Eunice (And her Mother, Lois). Eunice was married to a Greek man who most likely didn't share her love for God. Though she taught Timothy about Jesus Christ. Though it is not clear about how Timothy got saved, I would say that learning about the LORD as a child helped him.
I end with this, Eunice was a strong godly woman who loved God and helped her son!

Monday, August 23, 2010

The Bible and women!

I was talking to a young girl around the age of thirteen, I asked her, "Do you read your Bible everyday?" She looked at me then glanced to the ground. "I believe that the Bible is sexiest!"

I couldn't help but laugh at the thought of it. She explained that the Bible talks about Jesus' brother (James) and not any of his sisters. And that the Bible never talks about strong queens! Nor much about women at all.
Well Sandra...This ones for you!

The Bible is not sexiest, to be honest most people don't even know what "sexiest" means. The Bible talks about women, like oh let me see...Abigail, Anna, Bathsheba, Deborah, Dorcas, Elizabeth, Ester, Eve, Eunice, Hannah, Joanna, Lydia, Martha, Mary of Bethany, Miriam, Naaman's Wife's Slave Girl, Naomi, Phoebe, Priscella, Rachel, Ruth, Sarah, and Zipporah. And that is just some of them. She said the Bible never talks about women, hm.

I truly wish that people would study the Bible before talking about it. Now lets talk about some of them. Ester was a strong queen. She saved all of her people from death and risked her own life. Can you get any stronger then that? Ester herself said "I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish." Ester 4:16

If the Bible never talks about women then why is there a book of Ruth and the book of Ester?

And what is sexism? Is it not a proven fact that men are physically stronger then women? So by stating a FACT you are sexist? So what people are saying is the truth itself it sexist and wrong! I believe that women are made not to be big strong warriors, but to be mothers and wives. (Please note that just because I believe that women should not be warriors that doesn't mean they should not know how to defend themselves).

The Bible talks about strong women like Eunice! Most people do not now about her but she was Timothy's mother. She was a Jewish woman who was married to a Greek man. Though her husband most likely didn't share her faith she still taught Timothy about God's love and what a difference it made! (See 2 Timothy 3:15)

We as women should serve our husbands and teach our children using the Bible as a textbook!

As they say "The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world!"

(I will follow up on this by posting stories from the Bible about strong women in the Bible)

Friday, May 7, 2010

Welcome to the Farm! episode 1

A picture of what burning looks like. We did ours without the snow!
One of our spring chores was burning brush on our land. We had nearly 20 to burn! It took my whole family helping to get it done. It was a good example of teamwork. We had two "teams". On one was my Mom, 12 year old sister, and older brother. And on the other was me, my 63 year old grandma (believe it or not) and my autistic brother.
It took three hours to burn two small piles and one big pile! I was putting some more pines on the fire, then a wind shift hit me. (Wind shift is when the wind blows a different way.)My eye burned a little and it was unpleasant. My Grandma told me that smoke was attracted to beautiful things, and that's why it was hitting me. It was a good relationship builder. Work is always good at building relationships.
We even got Mark, my autistic brother to help. I would tell him "Go get those sticks, please." And he would walk over and get them and then hand them to me. Truly it was a bad help, his my little helper! <3
How burning works is: You light a cardboard box and then add some pines. Then slowly add more and more! Till everything is burned. Some people do it a different way too, but that's how we did ours.